Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our Latest Family Member

I'm a little late posting this, but better late than never. About two months ago, we became the proud owners of a mini Rex rabbit. His (her?) name is Dash. Susie originally bought him, but he has quickly become the family pet. He has brought great joy to our family with his antics. I have discovered that this particular rabbit is friendly, curious, clever, and more than a little bit mischevious. Not unlike a toddler, really. :) Also, he does not like being picked up. Although I can empathise with that. I wouldn't want to be picked up by some alien twenty times bigger than me either.

This is the first time in my life that I have had a pet. It is very enjoyable, as well as a decent amount of work. But it is very rewarding when I am petting Dash, and he flops down onto his side next to me. Or when he gives any available skin on my arm or leg a good washing with his tongue (a rabbit way of saying "I like you"). It is a bit frustrating when he quickly figures a way around a poorly placed gate and gets into places he knows he shouldn't be. And it is nice to have another family member.

And there is one big advantage to owning a rabbit versus raising children. I can put the rabbit in his cage if he misbehaves too much. :>

Anyway, here are some pictures of our new addition.

Dash chills out in his hutch upstairs

Dash enjoying lunch

Dash likes having his head rubbed

Dash checking out Esther

Lizzie and Esther giving the bunny some loves

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Why is it that I am still up when I know I should be in bed?

Why do I know that a thing is wrong...and then do it anyway?

Why do I sabotage my own efforts to change and improve?

Why do I make so many mistakes and cause myself and my family unnecessary heartache?

When will I do all the things I know to be right, letting go of my fear of the unknown?

When will I cry and let the pain out instead of storing it inside?