Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You Can Do Magic

Well, tonight was pack meeting. I didn't get a lot of time to prepare or practice magic beforehand (the last week has been insanely busy), but things went well. I had to drop one of my originally planned five tricks due to a prop malfunction this morning, but I still had four in my bag of tricks (okay, so it was my backpack, close enough). I slipped up a bit on two of the tricks, but the other two went off without a hitch. The last one had several people in the audience (including grown-ups) mystified as to how I did it. It's magic, of course!

My wife also came to pack meeting to support me in my first-ever magic show. It really meant a lot to me that she came. I appreciated it greatly. It was also nice to see my youngest roaming the halls and aisles. I regularly bring my oldest two with me to pack meeting as my "helpers" (as well as to give their mother a break), but the youngest rarely comes. She came toddling up to me, pointed at the cheap top hat I was wearing as part of my magician costume, and said, "Hat!" Of course, I've been saying the same thing to her for months every time I put a hat on her head. :)

I actually enjoyed myself while I was doing my short show at pack meeting. It was a nice way to start out: 4 tricks, a small audience, and inexpensive props, mostly things I could find around the house. Not bad for an amateur magician just starting out! It was also very rewarding to try something new and find that I am pretty good at it! Although my sleight-of-hand needs some work, my patter was very good. Magic seems like a very good fit for my personality.

I definitely don't plan on this being my last magic show! Now I just need to make some time to learn and practice some more tricks. Although four tricks was about right for pack meeting, I'd like to have a bit more to work with for my next show. When will my next show be? Well, I don't know. Sometime. :)

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