Although ironically, that was the only ride that was closed when we went to Disneyland last week. They're doing an extensive remodel this year. I was concerned that my son would be disconsolate (since "Boat Ride" was his favorite on our last trip to Mickey Mouse country). Fortunately, he found a new favorite ride in Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters. We must have gone on the ride at least 10 times. My oldest daughter liked it too. The youngest didn't seem to have an opinion one way or the other. In fact, my son was still talking about the ride today (specifically, that he wanted to go on it again).
It was an interesting trip in many ways. I really enjoyed the first two days (the second day was my wife's birthday). The third day was awful. The fourth day was a little bit better, but still kind of blah. The fifth day, I recovered a bit. The sixth day, we came home. I can tell that I'm getting older. This is the first time that I've ever been glad to come home from Disneyland.
When I was younger, I would go to Disneyland with my mother from time to time. I always wondered why she would often sit and "people watch" while I went on the rides. Now that I am getting into my 30's, I am beginning to understand. To quote the immortal Indiana Jones, "It's not the years. It's the mileage." I was pretty wiped out a couple of days, while the kids were still raring to go. Of course, the extra poundage I'm carrying around these days doesn't help any. I really need to get on the weight loss program, and work off some of that delicious, hi-fat, low-nutrition food that I ate on vacation. :)
Oh, and we got to go on one more "ride" on the way back on Saturday. Descending into the airport, we hit a patch of turbulence. Airplane travel doesn't usually bother me, but my stomach ended up partway up my throat, while my head was down where my stomach usually is.
Still, all in all, a good vacation. I am looking forward to going back to work tomorrow and sift through the mountain of email that will be waiting for me. I'm thinking we might even go back to Disneyland when the kids are of a more appropriate age.
Early 2012, perhaps.
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