Friday, April 25, 2008

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

I have always enjoyed magic shows. I loved them as a kid, and I still love them as a grown-up. They help me to remember my childhood sense of wonder and amazement, when it seemed like magic was everywhere in the world.

I have had a passing interest in learning magic, even to the point of purchasing a couple of books, but I have never taken it any further than that. Until now.

See, I am the Cubmaster for the Scout troop of my church group, and this month's theme is "Abracadabra". Pack meeting is coming up on Tuesday, and I would like very much to be able to perform some simple tricks for the boys and their families. Basically, this feels like a good excuse for me to do something that I have wanted to do for some time, but have never quite gotten around to doing.

I used a good portion of my lunch hour yesterday obtaining some items that I will need for my performance. I will also be able to find many of the items around the house. Honestly, I was amazed at the number of items I will need for just five simple tricks. I have a feeling that this is going to be another one of those not-so-inexpensive hobbies (like my costuming hobby, but more on that another time).

Now I just need to find some time to practice. Ah yes, the trickiest part. Actually trying something new, with the possibility that I will fail the first few times. Scary stuff. But rewarding, nonetheless. Life is about trying new things and yes, making mistakes and learning from them. Perhaps that is the greatest magic of all.

And even if my magic performance fails miserably, there is one magic trick that I know I can do for sure.

I can help make the refreshments disappear!

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