Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hey, How is Everyone?

October 2009? Ugh! It goes without saying, but I'm not the best at updating my blog.

I'm really not sure what I will be typing tonight. Sometimes things are random like that.

The kids are getting bigger. Esther is more than halfway through first grade. She is learning more about math, reading, writing, and spelling. In fact, her spelling is at a third grade level! Not bad at all. Jayson will be starting kindergarten in the fall. I'm hoping he will be using the potty regularly by that point. Lizzie is three and a half, and is getting much better at using her words to express herself.

I'm very very tired tonight. Not quite fully bone-weary, but that probably has more to do with the short nap I got this afternoon. It has been a very busy 2010 so far, physically and emotionally. In some ways, it has felt like a prolonged ride in a whirlpool (the river kind, not the warm water in a tub kind), or spinning through an endless void. I'm hoping that things will calm down a bit over the next week or two. A couple of the bigger pieces that have kept me spinning have been resolved over the past week or so, so I'm crossing my fingers.

Something that I wish, that I'm not very good at. It seems like most of us put on our best faces, our superman capes, and our fake smiles, and pretend that everything is all right in our worlds. And we don't allow other to help us. I wish that people could be more honest with themselves and with others, and that we could accept and give help to each other. It would make things so much easier. I'm not suggesting that we always stay despondent and down in the dumps. But it would be nice if we could ask for the help that we need, and have others there willing and able to provide that help.

Well, the old grey matter is shutting down, so I guess that I have written what needed to be written. I hope it is helpful for someone other than me. If not, well, I guess you get what you pay for. :)

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

You stated this so well.. "But it would be nice if we could ask for the help that we need, and have others there willing and able to provide that help." I feel it very keenly in my life right now, that I'm not able to easily ask for help, and that I feel there's no one around to help. :\ I know there are people, ...sigh. I'll stop blabbing. The point is, I greatly appreciate you putting into words what I have not been able to. Thanks.

I can't believe how fast your kids are growing! Yay for Esther's awesome spelling! Could she teach my boys to spell?! :)