Sunday, December 21, 2008

A few pictures

Here are a few pictures to go with my most recent post, and a couple that have absolutely no relation to my last post. Hey, I can't get too predictable, can I?

Susie and I in St. Louis. Gee, it actually looks like we like each other!

My NaNoWriMo "Winner" image. :)

Esther holds her latest "kill" (her ponytail).

Jayson coloring one of his favoritest things: Trains!

Lizzie just being cute (and boy, does she know it!)

My girls. :) Aren't I a lucky guy? I think so!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I love the pictures!! :) They are awesome! :) Congrats on the book - that is really awesome too! Someday, when it's done, I would like to buy an autographed copy!