My oldest daughter, Esther, was baptized today. I'm so proud of her. It was a memorable day, to say the least. Things were actually pretty calm getting everyone ready for the service. My son didn't even complain about putting on his church clothes!
Esther was a bit nervous, as she didn't want a lot of people watching her. The Lord was merciful in that regard (isn't He, though, in most regards?), as many of the people who would have come to the baptism were out of town for one reason or another. Also, Esther was the only one in our ward being baptized this month. A friend of hers was originally going to be baptized this month, but waited until next month for family reasons.
So the group of people was small and intimate. Esther, myself, Susie, Jayson, Lizzie, Grandma Chris, Brian and Jennifer Christensen with their children (Caleb, Paige, and Tanner), Brother and Sister Swensen, Brother and Sister Ruiz, Brother Ball, Brother and Sister Stephen, Brandi Snyder (with Zayden and Eli), Bishop and Sister Keele, Sister Goodman, Kristina Pinner, and maybe two or three other people who I can't remember at the moment.
The water in the baptismal font was very warm. I mean very warm. As Esther put her foot into the water, she said, "It feels like a hot tub." We had practiced baptism at home last night. I wanted to do so for Esther to feel more comfortable, and also because I hadn't baptized someone since my mission (other than a couple of times doing baptism for the dead).
I actually had to baptize Esther three times. The first time, her foot came up. The second time, one of her pony tails came up. The third time, all of her went under at the same time.
I felt a little bit embarrased, but the Spirit used it as a teaching opportunity for me (and also for my children). The Lord does expect perfection from us. The baptism ceremony must be performed just so. However, He gives us as many chances as we need to get it right. It is good for my perfectionistic children (especially my son) to learn that. It is also good for perfectionistic me to learn that.
After a quick clothes change, I laid my hands on Esther's head (along with the Bishop, Brother Ball, Brother Stephen, and Brother Christensen) and confirmed her a member of the church, and commanded her to "receive the Holy Ghost." As always, I felt the Spirit as I was blessing her. The best blessings are the ones where I am merely the microphone, and the Lord is doing the talking. He promised Esther that she would continue to develop skills for dealing with people, and also that the scriptures and gospel would be opened further to her understanding now that she has the Spirit with her.
After the service, we went to Bajio for lunch (Esther's choice). We invited those at the service to join us for lunch. I have a fond memory of Jayson, who was sitting at his own table with Eli, Zayden, and Lizzie. They certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves.
We came home, and Esther got her new burgandy (red) scriptures (with her name on them). Grandma Chris also gave her a CTR necklace in the shape of a ladybug. I thought it was a nice and thoughtful gift. Esther isn't usually too much into jewelry, but she did wear her "big sister" necklace today. Perhaps she is becoming more aware of the example she is setting for her younger brother and sister.
And she does set a good example for them. Both of them talked about their future baptism today. In fact, Lizzie wanted to play "baptism" in the pool when she went swimming this afternoon. Cute, but I told her that we don't play games about baptism, as it is a sacred ordinance.
I am so proud of my daughter. It pleases me that there are now three of us in the home that have the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We can have the Spirit with us all of the time, as long as we remain worthy of His presence. Esther is growing into a lovely young woman. It is great to see her grow in knowledge and strength, and to hear her determination to live as Heavenly Father wants her to. She will do many great things to help build the kingdom of God if she continues in her present course.
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." -3 John 1:4.
It brings great peace and contentment to my heart to see Esther baptized. I am humbled and honored that I bear the Holy Priesthood, and can do these things for my family.
As we were waiting in the chapel for the baptism to begin, I took a moment to look at Esther sitting beside me. I remembered the day we brought her home from the hospital, and part of the day she was born. It doesn't really seem like it was that long ago when I brought home that beautiful, squawking bundle of joy. She is becoming a wonderful woman, day by day. I'm grateful that my children are growing up faithful in the Gospel. May it ever so be.
Congratulations Esther!